I am a DPhil candidate researching the differences in legislative debates between democratic, authoritarian, and backsliding regimes. My doctoral research encompasses the broad area of authoritarianism and parliamentary politics, with a specific focus on the Russian Duma (1996-2021) as a case study. I aim to investigate the impact of authoritarianism on legislative speech, including the development of formal and informal mechanisms that restrict or facilitate floor time and diverging incentives for speechmaking between government and opposition, as well as between leaders and backbenchers. Before starting at Oxford, I received my MSc from the London School of Economics.
DPhil (PhD) in Politics, 2023 (Anticipated)
University of Oxford
MSc in Comparative Politics, 2018
London School of Economics
BA in Government and Russian/East-European/Eurasian Studies, 2017
University of Texas at Austin
and Appointments